Monday, February 1, 2010

What is impossible to do today in your business?

I recently co-facilitated a strategic planning session for a group of thought leaders, to help them plan for 2010.

I started by asking them a question that leadership consultant Joel Barker asks all his clients (Thanks to my sales mentor David Penglase for bringing this to my attention):
"What is impossible to do today in your business, but, if it could be done, would fundamentally change it for the better?"
It's a powerful question, and one I asked myself as well during the year.

For me, the impossible thing was to take my Web design business in a new direction, while still maintaining the strong relationship I've established with current clients. It was a real dilemma for me - and certainly seemed impossible. But asking this question turned it from an obstacle into a possibility. And that was enough to trigger an idea that I think will make a significant difference in 2010. Watch this space!

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